Alex's Alpine White E46!

It's been about 2 years since I've done a real photoshoot for Alex. His car has gone through such an amazing transformation. His small exterior mods started building up and it is what you see here today. This wasn't a real, real photoshoot but more of a trial for my new and longer rig.
We had planned to shoot at 8a, but we didn't meet up til 8 and ended up scouting for about an hour. We rolled through Katy and then somehow ended up somewhere near 290. We took another 30 minutes to set up the rig and started shooting. It was about 10am and the sun was almost high up. Even with an ND filter stacked with a CPL, at ISO50, I couldn't keep my shutter speed slower than 1 second. Looks like I may have to invest in a 9 stop ND filter. Well here are the outcome of our shots.

Alex's Alpine White E46

Alex's Alpine White E46

1 comment

Unknown said...

Hi! What is the brand of front bumper Lip?


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