I was thinking about heading up to Chewy Ball's today after the Planet Zero meet but father time always seems to keep me places longer than expected. JohnP actually invited me to the meet because I had forgotten about it and had not marked it on my calendar. The meet was pretty relaxed this time around... saw a lot of old school cars that I'm not used to seeing such as the Datsun Fairlady that was one of the first produced in the US and saw a couple of familiar faces.
After the meet, JohnP showed me who the owners of PZ were and got to meet JohnL for the first time. These guys are always thinking about ways to make the Houston scene bigger and better. So far, I've heard what they are doing is only a "tip off the iceberg" so I'm pretty excited about that. Man, knowing JohnP is an honor because he's putting Houston back on the map with the help of Planet Zero.
My closecall after the meet was almost getting a ticket for running a red light. I haven't had a ticket since my last accident which was almost 5 yrs. ago which is probably why he just gave me a warning. I guess it also helps to be courteous to law enforcement. I know I would've shitted bricks if I had gotten a ticket because I could not afford that shit now. Anyways I was really lucky today.