Feeling... Content.

I wish I could get more views of Houston's Night Skyline because it's damn nice. This was taken around 8:30pm on top of TSU's parking garage with my 70-200 f4L. I've never had the chance to shoot Houston's skyline at night so I brought my camera along with me to school. I knew class wouldn't end until 8 so I was ready. I kind of got in trouble because I needed permission to shoot on TSU Campus. Apparently I need to "read" the student handbook. He let me go because I was a TSU student. I could've just told him I was shooting for photography class but I don't think TSU offers a photography class.

Other great news today: I made an A on the Microbial diseases exam and I'm upgrading to a different Canon body. Yeaaaauhhhh!

Here are some pics from Boba Zone tonight.


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