Just got back from a 2 day trip from Pattaya and man... that place is crazy! They have no restrictions or ethics whatsoever. I would think that Thailand is still under the rule of a monarchy there would be order in the whole country... but anything goes in Pattaya. You have prostitutes sitting on corners, prostitutes sitting with sleezy old men, lady boys sitting with sleezy old men, lady boys going with other lady boys, and the "sexy" shows were worse than pornos. I can see why Thailand is such a popular place for "business" trips and what not. I bet more than half of the old sleezy men are married and just on a "business" trip. I'm not against that but I'm just sayin...
However this was the first time I've been to a beach where I could actually see in the water, even though my eyes burned a little afterwards. The beach they took us to was a little island about 20 minutes from Pattaya. Weather was perfect and everything. The trip to Thailand actually pwns Vietnam two folds. I'm kinda hesitant to go back to Vietnam now because I've been spoiled with A/C and a comfortable bed for a week now.
I'm too lazy and the internet is too slow to upload pictures so I will do it when I get back.
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