Once I get beyond Gessner, it's a game of dodge the cars. These jackasses drive down the wholesale street, brake suddenly, and take lefts and rights without signaling. I dodge at least 3 cars a day and have not been in an accident on that street yet (knock on wood). I get to Hillcroft where I usually take my right turn but I'm on the left lane. I look over to my right and there is a sweet old lady in a white Cadillac pacing herself at 35mph. So I do what every other Houstonian would do in my situation. Speed up, signal, and pass her. It wasn't that simple. As soon as I signaled this sweet old lady turned into a crazy speed demon not letting me in. If I sped up, she sped up. If i slowed down, she slowed down. I think she claimed the right lane to turn on Hillcroft as hers that day. Stupid old bitch.
I finally get onto 59 heading towards Downtown. More traffic awaits. I accelerate from 10 to 20 to 35mph. I'm thinking to myself, "Yesssss." And then once I pass the 610 bridge I slow down from 35 to 25 to 20mph. Now I am yelling out, "FUUUU......" As I look to my right there are cars and buses zooming past me. Damn carpoolers.
It's now 7:45am and the sun is shining right in my face. I don't know about anyone else but when it is hot I tend to fall asleep. So as I am waiting in traffic I doze in and out. I start dreaming about myself in a flying BMW 1 series while waving, laughing, and pointing to the suckers down in traffic traveling at 100mph without a care in the world.
A car honk wakes me up and I return to consciousness. Damn...
I move 1 feet per minute towards my destination. As soon as I see bums and crackheads in the street I know I'm near my destination. Sarcastically I say to myself, "Mayn it feels great to be in the ghetto." I fear of stray bullets and thugs everytime I pass through that area though. I finally get to my destination, park, and lock my car. It is now 8:25am.
I would like to thank everyone in Houston for waking up at the same time and causing tons of traffic!
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