What an interesting day today. I volunteered to have my blood drawn today in Hematology lab (not a good idea) by a first timer. I haven't taken anyone's blood or stuck anyone with a needle before, but how is it to find a vein? The sucky part of being stuck by the needle was it was a butterfly 19G needle. The diameter of the needle looked huuuuge.
So she feels around my arm for a vein with a pulse.
I look at her and ask her, "Have you found it yet?"
She tells me in her nigerian voice, "Yeah I think I've found it."
You think you've found it? WTF? That was the expression on my face.
She tells me, "Okay, I'm going to stick you now."
I say to myself, "Oh shit!"
Everyone in the class watches her stick me because I was the first to be stuck by another student. Her first stick was not successful because she stuck it in an area of muscle and no veins. Ahhhh! The professor tells her to stop and pull out the needle.
She asks me if she can stick me again and me being the nice guy (or sucker) I say, "Sure."
This time she chooses one of the veins that can be seen much better. I had to be more cautious this time so I asked the professor to watch her. Smart move on my part but she still stuck it in a little too far. The nigerian still got one tube of blood from me. *waves fist in air*
I will get my revenge next week so no grudge here.
After lab I head to downtown to look for a suitable spot for Sahba and company's photoshoot. There are some possible places to shoot at but I'm not sure if we need permission because some places look abandoned. From what I've read you could get in trouble for shooting anywhere downtown without permission. I might just play it safe and shoot in a park or something. After driving a good 20 minutes around downtown I headed back home. I took a little rest and headed towards George Bush Park to play with my 70-200mm f4L. I haven't shot with it in awhile so I had to put it to good use today.