Cindy N. Pictures!

I haven't taken posed modeling type pictures in so long that I forgot how hard it actually is. A friend of mine, Harrison, invited me a long to help him shoot Cindy since he's still a noob to photography. She was a great subject to shoot and I enjoyed it. I still need to learn how to create more flattering poses though. Every time we finished one pose I would run out of ideas. Hopefully, next time I will be able to direct better. Some more info on Cindy is that she's a sophomore at UH trying to get into the pharmacy program. She also told me she'd like to do more of these types of shoots if she were paid =P

You can find the rest of the set here:


Edeline Faye said...

Niceee pictures! What did she do these photos for? We should do a photo shoot for fun one day. I know you offered, but I always laugh a lot when it comes to like.. photo taking professionally and junk haha. You're too pro for me Danh!

Unknown said...

Your model's cute! Nice pictures!

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