I just now noticed my pictures from flickr are a different color because I had the wrong color settings in CS2. So I've been uploading ugly colored pictures due to this setting. Gahhhh.
That shirt above was a souvenir from a friend that went to India. I never knew it had India's flag on it until a friend told me. After that I walked around UH campus. Every brown person was looking at my shirt and whispering to there friends, "hey i like that shirt... he's indian?" Later on, in the evening, I was walking to the bathroom when an indian guy passed by and smiled at me. I was thinking, "Wtf?" And then I remembered it's because of the shirt lol.
I finally did it. I put up my Tokina 12-24 and 70-200 f4L for sale in order to get a 70-200 f2.8L. If I don't get any serious offers then I'll just keep the lens and go on vacation with them.