My Canon EOS 10D with grip is up for sale now since I've upgraded to a 20D. It's kind of depressing because I've kind of grown attached to it because I know where all of its flaws and sweet spots are. It's okay thought because the new camera now blows it away in speed. It feels a little different, but I think I can adjust to it. All I'm waiting for now is a vertical grip.
Today in hematology lab everyone had to have a tube of their own blood which means everyone had to stick someone. My friend, Tram, and I were going to puncture each others' veins because she was comfortable with me I guess. So we start off and decide that she will go first.
Me: "Ready?"
Her: "Yeah...."
Me: I check to see if I have all the materials ready...
Her: Puts right arm on desk
Me: Gloves on... finds target vein to puncture.
Her: "Do you see it? It's right there."
Me: Feeling around... "Yeah I found several. Let's do it there."
Her: "Ok"
Me: Puts on the tourniquet. Then I look at her. "Are you shaking?"
Her: "Yeahh, I'm nervousss."
Me: Wiping target area with alcohol. "It'll be all over soon." I have a huge grin on my face as I dry the area.
Her: Looking scared.
Me: Looking for the target vein again and getting the needle ready.
Her: "Do you see it?"
Me: "Uhhh yeah." I didn't want to let her know that I could only feel it and not see it.
Her: "Okay go."
Me: I take the butterfly needle, poke her but I missed her vein so no blood was drawn. "Damn I missed it!"
Her: "NoooOoOooo"
Me: "I'm sorryyy"
So long story short she took my blood and got a 3/4th's tube full of my blood. I told her good job, but it really isn't that hard to take my blood because my vein is clearly visible. After that we take another shot of getting drawing her blood again. She is super nervous by now and I am kind of nervous too since she's nervous. I hate it when people do that to me. So I start poking her left arm with the needle and she just yells ouch. I take out the needle and ask her what happen? She just tells me it hurts. WTF?? I had the needle in the right spot too. So we wasted another needle just because she cried because of a little poke. Gawd! This time we had to use a different needle since we ran out of butterfly needles. It was longer but thinner. Ok so I'm super nervous now and I poke her.
The professor is watching because we've already wasted 2 needles. I get the tube in and get some blood out. The professor walks over and makes sure I'm holding the tube correctly. Then the blood stops. We both look at the professor and she looks at us. We're all like wtf happenned? Either the vein collapsed or we moved the needle deeper through the vein. So she starts looking for the vein by moving the needle left and right under the skin and I'm watching with eyes wide open. My friend is crying because she's in pain. The professor tells us no more is going to come out. So she ends up with a tube less than half full and a bruise from all the blood and muscle accumulated under the skin. She blames me for it T_T