Modified Cover!

So one of my goals finally came true... to get one feature in a big name magazine. Not only did my photos get featured, they made the cover of Modified Magazine! So now that I've achieved one goal, it's time to aim higher.... but what is bigger/higher than a front cover?

New goal: Advertisements

Here's the photo of the cover shot and the magazine and another from the feature:

Alana V.!

I took this photo at the grand opening event for EVS Motors and Studio last Sunday. Alana (pronounced like Uh-lena) was 1 of the 3 models I got to work with that were hired to promote the event. Even though she's new to the modeling industry, her looks should get her pretty far.

Model: Alana Vorda
Camera: Canon 5Dmk2
Lens: 50mm f1.2 @ f1.2
Lighting: N/A

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